Dr Na'eem Ahmed
With an interest in musculoskeletal and oncological imaging, Dr Naeem Ahmed is the Consultant Radiologist at Lanserhof at The Arts Club.
Dr Ahmed graduated from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals Medical School receiving the St Thomas’ Cup graduation prize. He completed Academic Foundation Training at the Division of Asthma, Allergy and Lung Biology at MRC Centre for Allergic Mechanisms in Asthma at King’s College London, as well as completing radiology training in London with rotations including Royal Marsden Hospital, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and Royal Brompton Hospital. He has also obtained a subspecialty fellowship in musculoskeletal imaging at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital where he was appointed Consultant Radiologist.
Having undertaken international clinical visitations in musculoskeletal imaging at University Hospital Zurich and at the FIFA centre of Excellence Aspetar Sports and Orthopaedic Hospital in Qatar. Dr Ahmed has an interest in advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques including multiparametric MR and whole-body diffusion imaging.
Dr Ahmed has multiple scientific publications and presentations, on topics including musculoskeletal imaging, health policy and reform. He is a former editorial board member of the Royal College of Physicians Clinical Medicine and Future Healthcare Journal and has received the British Medical Association Young Author Award in 2017 for his co-authored textbook on chest imaging.