If you have not had the privilege to meet and experience Dietmar’s exquisite presence and delicious cuisines, we hope this interview will entice you to at least try out one of his tasty recipes from Lanserhof Energy Cuisine, provided below. Passionate for physical well-being, he takes pride in his ability to conjure up ingredients that are seasonal and regional wherever possible.
“Just because you’re eating healthily, doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself to something sweet and guilt free”
Dietmar Priewe
When did you realise you like to cook?
I always liked to cook as a child. My dad was a fisherman on the Baltic Sea, but I didn’t like fishing I enjoyed cooking the fish instead.
What was your journey as a chef?
I went from an island in East Germany to an island near Sylt in West Germany. I learnt to cook for 3 years and left with the highest grades in the North of Germany. Having successfully won various local, regional and national cooking competitions, I eventually came second in the German chef cooking championships. After this I went to Berlin and worked at a Michelin star restaurant for 7 years.
What’s lighting you up at the moment?
I’m excited to be working with Salla Schmilewski (Ectrophologist/nutritionist). We both dream of a healthy world and food for the future. We look at where we can source the best proteins, oils, nutrition etc. in order to make the highest quality foods. The sky is the limit on what we can do and there are no boundaries as we explore various food sources.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Cut down on Sugar and move more. I was a chubby child and ate too much sugar, cakes, carbohydrate and didn’t move enough. I dreamt of having an athletic body but did not exercise enough or eat the right things for the brain such as nuts and proteins. I would also tell my younger self, no snacking!
What’s in your fridge?
All healthy things. Lots of vegetables and cheese (though that’s not too healthy) I love cheese it’s my addiction/guilty pleasure. Favourite is goat’s cheese. Lots of oils and oat milk. I put nuts in the freezer to keep them fresh. Egg, tofu and for my son there is a little marmalade and homemade chocolate cream, made from soft dates, bananas and cacao.
Also some jars of Curry paste. I love curry flavours!
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be a chef
If you weren’t a chef what would you be doing?
I would love to travel around the world. I would have a small market with high quality delicious handmade produce, all vegetarian. I also like to work with wood and carpentry, which I play around with in my small garage.
What’s life taught you?
Never give up! I had a major accident 20 years ago on my motorbike, breaking 6 ribs, my scapula and damaged nerves in my spinal cord that affected my arm. However, 3 weeks later I went straight back to work and carried on cooking. Since the accident, I have ran 3 marathons, got back on the motorcycle and love to cycle, entering many cycling competitions. The key is the brain and discipline, then you will never give up. I exercise every day.
What advice can you give on food/cooking?
For eating. Eat slowly and chew. Take time to eat, put your fork and knife down and eat slowly so as to savour the flavours
For recipe. Eat the colours of the rainbow. This is important for a good healthy life
Place glasses/container holding the yoghurt in the fridge for about an hour or overnight.
Mix honey, yoghurt and mint leaves together.
Add frozen berries until it forms a smooth mixture.
For more recipe suggestions, we have three Lanserhof cooking books available at the Club and online Lanserhof Energy Cuisine Literature.

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