LIFE - Lanserhof Integrative Fasting Experience

Reset your body and get your metabolism back on track. Feel lighter and energised, improve complexion and boost cognitive performance. Associated with a wide array of health benefits, especially in relation to the gut, promote your wellbeing and vitality by incorporating fasting into your daily routine.
LIFE is a structured, medically-supervised fasting programme available at Lanserhof Clinic London. Based on Lanserhof’s renowned fasting programme, which has been used for a number of years in our resorts at Lans, Tegernsee and Sylt, the focus is on detoxification, de-acidification and purification of the body.
Tailored to your personal needs, you can choose between a 7, 14, or 21 day fasting programme. A complex metabolic change takes place during well managed fasting and as such, extensive preparation is a basic requirement for success. Before you begin you will have a detailed consultation and medical examination, as well as diagnostic testing, an intestinal health analysis and an ECG examination. The results will inform a personalised programme which will be created for you, mindful of your personal goals and lifestyle.